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                                              19TH ANNUAL HOPAK SYMPOSIUM

                                               DATE: 9th and 10th August, 2024

                                                  VENUE: Trademark Hotel, Nairobi

                                  THEME: Evolving Pharmacy Practice: Innovating the Future of   Healthcare


DAY 1: Friday, 9th August 2024




0800 – 0830



0830 – 0900

Welcoming Remarks

Dr. Austin Odhiambo

Convener’s Remarks

Dr. Austin Odhiambo

HOPAK Chair’s Remarks

Dr. Hillary Kagwa

Session 1

Chair: Dr Eucabeth Kabwoya

Rapporteur: Sunday Omondi

0900 – 0920


Abstract 1: Promoting Prescription Etiquette towards Rationalizing Antimicrobial Stewardship: A COM-B Model Intervention at a County Referral Hospital in Kenya

  Presenter: Dr. Florah Wetende

0920 – 0940

 Abstract 2: Enhancing Leadership and Antimicrobial Stewardship Capabilities through  the Commonwealth Partnerships for Antimicrobial Stewardship (CwPAMS) Africa Leadership  Fellowship (ALF-A) Programme: Experiences from a Fellow

Presenter: Dr. Shahada Mevin


0940 – 1000

Abstract 3:  Digitization of Antimicrobial Stewardship in a Rural County Hospital: A Case of Makueni County Referral Hospital

Presenter: Dr. Gavin Orangi


1000 – 1020

Sponsor Presentation: BD

1020 – 1035

Q&A Session

1035 – 1100

Tea Break

1100 – 1140


  Speaker:  Dr. Hardika Shah

Session 2

Chair: Dr Keillah Barasa

Rapporteur: Mercy Kamande

1140 - 1200

Sponsor Presentation: Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine

1200 - 1220

Abstract 4: How to 10X your Career

Presenter: Dr. Judith Getugi

1220 - 1240

Abstract 5: Understand Your Value Proposition - Using A Professional Growth Plan As A Tool

Presenter: Dr. Lucy Muturi

1240 - 1255

Q & A Session

1255 - 1400


                                                            Session 3

Co-Chairs: Dr Emily Naserian and Dr. Clarice Ambale

Rapporteur: Maureen Wanjiru

1400 - 1420

Abstract 6: Lipid Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Statins at a Tertiary Hospital in Western Kenya

Presenter: Dr. Joyster Mungania



1420 - 1440


Abstract 7: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Insulin Prescribing and Use amongst Diabetic Patients in Selected Hospitals in Kenya

Presenter: Dr. Anne Mercy Adera


1440 – 1500

Abstract 8: Switch to Long-Acting Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine in Virologically Suppressed Adults with HIV in Africa

Presenter: Dr. Mungathia Isaiah

1500 – 1525

Q&A Session & Ice Breaker

1525 – 1545

Abstract 9: Exploring the Effectiveness of a Patented Extemporaneous Preparation (Sphedm-s) on Chronic Wound Management

Presenter: Dr. James Katoloki

1545 – 1605

Abstract 10:  Enhancing Pharmacovigilance Reporting: Strategies for Low Reporting Counties in Kenya

Presenter: Dr. Margaret Ambetsa

1605 – 1625

Abstract 11: Assessing Contraceptive Use and Barriers among Women in Kiambu County

  Presenter: Dr. Andrew Waititu

1625 – 1640

  Q&A Session

1640 – 1700

  Sponsor Presentation & Ice Breaker: Cosmos

1700 - 1710

 Day 1 Reflections & Closing Remarks

1710 - 1800



DAY 2: Saturday, 10th August 2024

Time                         Activity

0800 – 0830


Session 4

Chair: Dr AIphonce Manje

Rapporteur: Caren Jepkoech

0830 – 0850

 Abstract 12: Comparative Analysis of Antimicrobial Usage between Outpatient and  Inpatient Settings at Malindi Sub-County Hospital: A Prevalence Study

Presenter: Dr. Warda Nassir Omar

0850 - 0910

Abstract 13: Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance in Kisumu County, Kenya: A Narrative Review of Strategies, Successes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned

Presenter: Dr. Mitchel Okumu

0910 – 0930

Abstract 14: Comparative Analysis of Antimicrobial Usage in Male And Female Surgical Wards: A Point Prevalence Survey At Kilifi County Referral Hospital.

Presenter: Dr. Shahada Mevin

0930 – 0950

Abstract 15: Impact of Antimicrobial Stewardship Program: A Situational Analysis at Kilifi County Referral Hospital

Presenter: Dr. Warda Nassir Omar

0950 - 1010

Sponsor PresentationSun Pharma

1010 - 1025

Q&A Session

1025 - 1100


Session 5

Chair: Dr. Sally Karuri

Rapporteur: Cynthia Nyanchoka

1100 – 1120

Abstract 16: Fostering Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Integrity in Clinical Settings: The Role of Hospital Pharmacists

Presenter: Dr. Odhiambo David

1120 – 1140

Abstract 17: Mainstreaming Patient Safety & Pharmacovigilance in Clinical Pharmacy Practice: End-to-End Training on Pharmacovigilance and Patient Safety

Presenter: Dr. Esther Anyango

1140 – 1200

Abstract 18: Unlocking Possibilities in Pharmacy Practice: The Nexus between Practice, Policy, and Education

Presenter: Dr. Kelvin Adongo

1200 - 1215

Q&A Session

1215 - 1225

PSK Nairobi Branch Presentation

1225 - 1245


1245 - 1400


Session 6: Annual General Meeting

Chair: Dr. Hillary Kagwa Rapporteur: Dr. Dorothy Aywak

1430 - 1445

Consensus Statement

National Office

1445 - 1500


National Office

1500 - 1700


National Office

1700 - 1730


1730 - 2200



The  Hospital Pharmacists Association of Kenya (HOPAK) provides a dynamic platform for the exchange of knowledge among sector players to enhance their contributions to health. We provide timely scientific programs, ongoing education, opportunities for networking, and professional development.

Our website is a resource portal for all practicing hospital and institutional pharmacists in Kenya.

Contact us

Hospital Pharmacists Association of Kenya (HOPAK)
P. O. Box 19859 00202
Nairobi - Kenya