


Sorry, no description available

Date Title Venue City State Category
Open Date - - - CPD
16.07.36, 18:00 h - 20:30 h - - - CPD
16.08.12, 18:00 h - 20:30 h - - - CPD
11.02.16, 18:30 h - 19:30 h The Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi Nairobi - CPD
10.03.16 - - - CPD
14.04.16, 18:30 h - 20:00 h The Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi Nairobi - CPD
12.05.16 - - - CPD
14.07.16 - - - CPD
08.09.16 - - - CPD
09.02.17, 18:30 h - 20:30 h - - - CPD
09.03.17, 18:30 h - 20:30 h - - - CPD
13.04.17, 18:30 h - 20:00 h The Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi Nairobi - CPD